A number of times that you might have realized that the blog post you just published comprise of some typo errors or you forgot to recheck the post or there are broken links in your post or you have placed the incorrect keywords. This is when you discover the advantage of using a checklist. This kind of a checklist should consist of important points, which you should double-check before you hit the ‘publish’ button. Here is a listing of the important things that you should include in your checklist.
1. Proofread the blog post
There are many bloggers who miss out this step, but this is a very important point for your blog. In case, the sentence structure is not appropriate or the paragraphs are not in the correct order, then the complete article will not make any sense.
2. Whether the post is complete
It is imperative to ensure that your blog post is complete, if you wish to attract a lot of traffic and also to grab a number of back links. If you follow the checklist properly, then while proofreading it, you can get an idea whether the blog is lacking is some aspect.
3. Researching the associated keyword
When it comes to search engines, the keywords are the king. You should try to utilize the most popular keywords for generating more traffic to your blog. It is also make your blog post easy to comprehend.
4. Crafting the title with care
A very significant part of your post is the title of your blog. This is because the title is what attracts the visitors at the first look. Add some great value to your title for making the readers excited or curious to read the whole post.
5. Linking one or excessive older posts
It is important to link your older posts as it is favorable for both the search engines as well as the human visitors. The users can explore the archives and the search engines will be able to crawl over the site efficiently. Whenever, you publish some new posts, spare a little time for linking your older posts.
6. Crediting all the sources that you have used
In case any content of your blog spot is an inspiration from somewhere else, then make sure to credit that source. When you take up information from another site, be sure to give a link and mention the source as well.
1. Proofread the blog post
There are many bloggers who miss out this step, but this is a very important point for your blog. In case, the sentence structure is not appropriate or the paragraphs are not in the correct order, then the complete article will not make any sense.
2. Whether the post is complete
It is imperative to ensure that your blog post is complete, if you wish to attract a lot of traffic and also to grab a number of back links. If you follow the checklist properly, then while proofreading it, you can get an idea whether the blog is lacking is some aspect.
3. Researching the associated keyword
When it comes to search engines, the keywords are the king. You should try to utilize the most popular keywords for generating more traffic to your blog. It is also make your blog post easy to comprehend.
4. Crafting the title with care
A very significant part of your post is the title of your blog. This is because the title is what attracts the visitors at the first look. Add some great value to your title for making the readers excited or curious to read the whole post.
5. Linking one or excessive older posts
It is important to link your older posts as it is favorable for both the search engines as well as the human visitors. The users can explore the archives and the search engines will be able to crawl over the site efficiently. Whenever, you publish some new posts, spare a little time for linking your older posts.
6. Crediting all the sources that you have used
In case any content of your blog spot is an inspiration from somewhere else, then make sure to credit that source. When you take up information from another site, be sure to give a link and mention the source as well.
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